
About me

For the past four years cannabis science has completely captured my curiosity. From theatre to coffee to prisons to shoemaking to cannabis, I’ve forged many paths in this life. On each one I’ve been driven by the need to know more, and to share what I learn with the people around me.

Like so many, I started in cannabis by trimming in the woods of Humboldt County. The cannabis community was already deep in my bones by the time I moved to Portland, and I started working at a dispensary soon after my move. Questions bubbled up immediately during my training there - “What’s the endocannabinoid system?” “What’s a receptor?” and “What’s a cell?” topped the list.

It turns out my public school education, despite being one of the best in the country, neglected to cover some major areas in science. And I was eager to dig in. There weren’t any great online resources at the time, so I went straight to the source: scientific white papers.

I’ve read and summarized hundreds of papers about cannabis science and medicine. Along the way I gave myself a solid grounding in how the human body works. I’ve taught hundreds of people about their bodies and cannabis, written and edited extensively on cannabis science, and testified in front of the FDA on cannabis regulation.

I’m excited to continue breaking down dense topics that need more attention - within and outside of cannabis. If you think you have a project that could benefit from my touch, don’t hesitate to reach out!

2022 Update:

I started working on my Masters of Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin, Germany in August 2021. I focus on data collection in the US carceral system, the ethics of using AI to identify actors in protest footage, and, of course, drug policy in the US and internationally.

I spent my pandemic as the Administrative Director for Haymarket Pole Collective—a group of sex workers advocating for racial and gender equity in their workplaces.

Short Bio

Zoe Sigman is a freelance writer, editor, and educator. She is currently Broccoli Magazine’s Science Editor, and previously served as the Program Director for Project CBD. She has testified about CBD and cannabis regulation to the FDA, and is currently working on her MPP in Berlin, Germany.